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Benevolent Childhood Experiences and Life Satisfaction Among Marginalized Women in Society

Dr. Manoj Matthew

Asst Prof. Department of Social Work

An increase in the number of benevolent childhood experiences (BCEs) is positively correlated with increasing life satisfaction and resilience in underserved women. These factors act as protectors against the adversities that they faced (Author Last Name, 2024). BCEs help women in the marginalized communities as they have to tackle systemic issues like poverty, lack of education, and discrimination. Effective BCEs teach children what they need most in their development. Reliable caregivers, safety and security inside the home, and supportive peers develop a sense of self and emotional stability. Such positive life experiences will most likely foster adaptive coping skills, including resilience, among women that are very important in responding to social challenges of their community.

 Studies show that BCEs occurred in the past, regarding the level of life satisfaction and psychological well-being of the underserved women are higher Compared to the community which did not have BCE. This can act as a buffer in the psychological scars created by trauma and adversity in the future as these women seem to have better stress coping mechanisms, stronger social relationships and look for self-growth. There are stronger educative programs offered close to the people, education and healthcare services, for example community programs mentored by volunteers or safe recreational places given organized societies can raise the lives of young women who are marginalized in the areas where they live.

By promoting the design and the establishment of BCEs for marginalized women, society can help these women on their journey to empowerment and independence. These investments not only elevate the status of individual women but also lead to the creation of better, stronger communities. This kind of support allows marginalized women to break out of the confines of their adversity, achieve their aspirations and make meaningful contributions towards the society while actively promoting economic development.


Author Information:

Assistant Professor

Department of Social Work

Kalinga University, Raipur (C.G)



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