

Akanksha Mishra
Assistant Professor, Faculty of CS & IT, Kalinga University Raipur
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have rapidly become essential part of our daily lives,
shaping and enhancing different aspects of our routines. From the moment we wake up until we go to
bed, AI and ML technologies play a crucial role for making our lives more comfortable, convenient,
efficient, and interconnected. Like
 Personal Assistants
 Smartphones and Applications
 Social Media
 Healthcare
 Autonomous Vehicles
 E-commerce
 Financial Services
Personal assistants are among the most obvious examples of how AI and ML are used in our day-today activities. Advanced natural language processing algorithms are used by voice-activated assistants
such as Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant to comprehend and react to human requests. They can make
our mornings more efficient and well-organized by doing things like sending out reminders, responding
to inquiries, and even managing smart home appliances.
The fundamental components of our smartphones and the apps we use are integrated with AI and ML
algorithms. These technologies constantly learn from our behaviour and tastes, offering personalized
recommendations for music, movies, and shopping in addition to predictive text predictions. This
simplifies our interactions with digital gadgets and improves the user experience.
Social media platforms leverage AI and ML to curate personalized content feeds. The algorithms
analyse our online activities, such as likes, shares, and comments, to tailor the content we see. This not
only keeps us engaged but also serves as a powerful tool for advertisers to target specific demographics.
AI and ML are having a big impact on patient care, treatment planning, and diagnosis in the healthcare
industry. Large-scale medical data is analysed by machine learning algorithms to find patterns and
trends that can spot diseases early. Healthcare is being revolutionized by remote monitoring
technologies, predictive analytics, and personalized treatment strategies.
One of the best examples of how AI and ML are changing the transportation sector is the development
of self-driving cars. These cars negotiate traffic and obstacles in a half second by using complex
algorithms to analyse data from sensors and cameras. AI integration opens the door for more automated,
efficient transportation in the future while also improving safety.
Thanks to AI and ML algorithms, online shopping experiences are becoming more and more
customized. The purchasing experience is enhanced by recommendations that are based on user
preferences, browsing history, and previous purchases. Furthermore, AI-powered Chabot’s offer
immediate client assistance, improving the entire customer experience.
In the financial sector, AI and ML are employed for fraud detection, risk assessment, and personalized
financial advice. These technologies analyse large datasets to identify anomalies in transactions, making
our financial transactions more secure. Moreover, robo-advisors use machine learning to offer tailored
investment strategies based on individual financial goals and risk tolerance.

Kalinga Plus is an initiative by Kalinga University, Raipur. The main objective of this to disseminate knowledge and guide students & working professionals.
This platform will guide pre – post university level students.
Pre University Level – IX –XII grade students when they decide streams and choose their career
Post University level – when A student joins corporate & needs to handle the workplace challenges effectively.
We are hopeful that you will find lot of knowledgeable & interesting information here.
Happy surfing!!

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