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Machine Learning

Machine_learning is a type of artificial intelligence by which the machine automatically learns and predicts things with the help to its experiences and data. In other words, “Machine learning is a study that gives computers the ability to learn on their own.” Just as we humans learn things through our experience, similarly machines or computers learn on their own without the help of humans. The ability of a machine or computer to learn on its own is called machine learning.


Machine_learning was invented by Arthur Samuel in 1959. With the help of machine learning, the machine makes predictions and takes very important decisions. Machine learning is a branch of computer science that provides the machine with the ability to do its work on its own and develop itself


Machine_learning certainly empowers machines to perform tasks in ways that mimic human thinking and learning processes. Through algorithms and data, machines can identify patterns, make predictions, and even adapt their behavior based on experience, much like how humans learn from past experiences. This ability enables machines to handle complex tasks and make decisions autonomously, often with great efficiency and accuracy.  Its algorithm is used in many works like medicine_email filtering_speech recognition and computer vision etc.


Types of Machine-Learning



Supervised learning :-  Supervised learning is learning based on supervision. For example – a student learns things under the supervision of a teacher. It helps the machine to predict output data based on past input data.


Unsupervised learning :- Unsupervised learning models are capable of thinking like humans, such as behaving, working and thinking like humans, etc. Unsupervised learning is a type of machine learning that is the opposite of supervised learning. In simple words, “In this, unlabeled data is used to train the machine.”


Semi-supervised learning :- Semi-Supervised learning is a type of machine learning which is made up of both supervised learning and unsupervised learning. In this, less amount of labeled data and more amount of unlabelled data is used to teach the machine. Semi-supervised learning is quite easy for any user to understand. Its working capacity is high. Its efficiency is high.


Reinforcement learning :- Reinforcement learning is a learning technique in which the agent is given a reward for doing the right thing and a penalty for doing the wrong thing. For example- a robot that learns to move its hands on its own. This robot is an example of reinforcement learning. This technique is use to obtain such result which are very difficult to achieve.It provides accurate results.



Applications of Machine Learning


Machine_learning is used to recognize objects, people, places, and images. Face detection technology is use to identify images It is used for voice search in which the usr can get infomation about anything by speaking into the mic. Bigest search engin like Google provide voice search facility to the users by using machine learning.


It’s used to know the traffic situation. Let us understand this with the help of example. If a user wants to go to a new place, then he uses Google Map which not only to show him the right route but also provides inform-ation about the traffic situation, which is possible only due to machine learning.


It is used by entertainment and e-commerce companies such as Amazon and Netflix to provide output data to users in exchange for input. For example, whenever a user searches for a product on Amazon, he sees many products in the search results.

In healthcare, machine learning plays a crucial role in diagnosing diseases, analyzing medical images, predicting patient outcomes, and even identifying potential drug candidates. By leveraging wast amouts of medical_data, including patiet records, genomic data, and medical imaging scans, machine learning algorithm can_identify patterns and corelations that might not be readily apprent to human clinicians. This can lead to earlier detection of diseases, more accurate diagnoses, and personalized treatment plans tailored to individual patients.

Machine learning is revolutionizing many industries by enabling data-driven decision-making and automation of complex tasks, ultimately leading to improvd efficiency, accuracy, and outcomes.


In simple language, machine learning is used in medical science to detect diseases, with the help of which the patient’s diseases can be detected and that disease can be treated and saved.


Machine learning is used in the stock market to predict which share will have less value and which share will have more value, thereby reducing the chances of loss for the investor. Although this figure is not absolutely accurate, the investor definitely gets an idea. It’s used to detect online fraud, with the help of which both the user’s data and money remain safe.


Machine learning can easily detect fake accounts and fake IDs, thereby reducing the chances of fraud. A part from this, machine_learning helps in completely securing all the online transactions of the user.


It’s use to create virtual personal assistants. Virtual personal assistants are a tool that receives commands through the user’s voice and gives output to the user through that command.

Its examples are Google assistant, Alexa, Cortana, Siri.


Kalinga Plus is an initiative by Kalinga University, Raipur. The main objective of this to disseminate knowledge and guide students & working professionals.
This platform will guide pre – post university level students.
Pre University Level – IX –XII grade students when they decide streams and choose their career
Post University level – when A student joins corporate & needs to handle the workplace challenges effectively.
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