Home Blog Social Health and Sustainable Development

Social Health and Sustainable Development

Ms Archana Nagwanshi

Assistant Professor

Department of Social Work

Kalinga University Raipur


Social health and sustainable development are closely related. The goal for sustainable development is to satisfy current demands without endangering the capacity of future generations to achieve their own. Social health, a component of overall well-being, is influenced by sustainable development practices in several ways.” In a different way, Initiatives for sustainable development have a direct impact on social health because they increase resource accessibility, promote environmental sustainability, address inequality, encourage community cohesiveness and engagement, and guarantee a more just and healthy society for current and future generations.”

Social health is the state of people’s connections and interactions with other members of their group or society. It encompasses different spectrum of social well-being, including the capability to form meaningful relationships, maintain a support network, contribute to society, and adapt various social situations.

A comprehensive strategy for addressing current demands without sacrificing the capacity of future generations to address their own needs is known as sustainable development. It entails striking a balance between social advancement, economic expansion, and environmental preservation in order to guarantee a bright and just future for all.

In terms of health, sustainable development entails meeting present health demands without endangering the capacity of future generations to satisfy their own health needs. It encompasses approaches that promote health equity, access to healthcare services, environmental health, also the all-embracing well-being of individuals as well as communities while considering the long-term impact on the environment and resources.

Key aspects

Assuring that everyone, irrespective of background, region, or socioeconomic level, has access to basic healthcare services.

Equitable Healthcare Access

Emphasizing preventive measures, health education, and promotion of healthy lifestyles to reduce the burden of diseases and improve overall well-being.

Health Promotion and Prevention

Addressing environmental elements that have an impact on health, such as safe housing, hygienic circumstances, air quality, and access to clean water.

Environment Health

efficient use of resources in healthcare systems, such as waste reduction, energy conservation, and responsible management of medical supplies, to guarantee their availability for present and future generations.

Resource Management

Involving communities in decision-making processes related to healthcare and empowering them to take ownership of their health.

Community Engagement and Empowerment

Addressing global health disparities and inequalities by promoting collaboration, sharing knowledge, and resources across regions to improve health outcomes for all.

Global Health Equity


The agenda of the 2030 is to make sustainable development’s social, economic, and environmental facets stronger.

At the national, regional, and international levels, the 2030 Agenda’s implementation calls for a more comprehensive, logical, and coordinated strategy policies need to consider the relationships between social health and the environmental, economic, and social aspects of sustainable development in order to implement the 2030 Agenda in an efficient manner. In order to fulfil the new mandates resulting from the SDGs, current institutions or institutional mechanisms functioning for social development will need to modify or broaden their scope of action.

In order to address the health demands of both the current and future generations while protecting and improving the environment and available resources, sustainable development in health attempts to build health systems that are resilient, adaptive, and capable of doing so. According to the social health perspective, sustainable development incorporates initiatives to build societies in which all people have equal access to health and well-being, where communities are empowered and actively involved in making decisions, and where resources are allocated to guarantee social welfare and long-term health outcomes.

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