A Biotechnology Industry in India

Biotechnology is a technology in which with biology, we are playing an important role in companies even today with the help of innovative technology. The Industrial Biotechnology is defined as techniques which use living microorganisms or their products to modify through genetic engineering to improve plants and animals or to develop microorganisms for specific uses for human beneficial. This technology is making a different identity not only in India but also in the whole country abroad today. The Biotechnology Industry Scenario was appreciated at $64 bn in 2019 will reach $150 bn target by 2024-25. This sector is divided into five major segments like Bio-Pharma, Bio-services, Bio-Agri, Bio-industrial and Bio-informatics.

Industrial biotechnology is providing relief to people by making many vaccines, medicines, and fermented foods etc. with the help of plants, animals and using microorganisms.  This is contributing in the fields of medical sciences, Industries like Vaccine, Enzyme production, food and beverages, Milk product and various researches etc.  Industrial biotechnology is also very important from the economic point of view.  Today India is one of the countries with a separate department namely Department of Biotechnology (DBT) for biological research through which we can establish our new company by connecting with Biotechnology Industry Research Support Council.

At present our Researchers and scientists are doing new researches and illuminating the name of our country in Pharmacy, Food &Beverages, Agriculture, Environment and Industrial Biotechnology sectors. The Department of Biotechnology provides capital to firms through funding, technology transfer and IP management and various schemes for research and proper quality transactions. BIRAC helps in the establishment of another institute of biotechnology in India which in turn assists many research industries with the help of BIRAC.  This has also given success to many industries and has helped them to grow.

The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is a prestigious research institution known as state-of-the-art development in the field of Biotechnology.  Total 38 national laboratories are established in our country under the CSIR. CSIR’s R&D expertise and experience is alive in about 4600 active scientists supported by about 8000 scientific and technical employees.

The Researchers and Scientists are continuously doing new beneficial research for the human benefits.  There are many fields under CSIR, such as Genetic Engineering, Bionanotechnology, Biophysics, Molecular biology, Environmental Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Genomics, proteomics, Immunology, Biochemistry, Agriculture Biotechnology, Animal Biotechnology, Marine Biotechnology, Medical Biotechnology and Microbiology, etc., in areas where much research is being done.


Dilendra Chandraker

Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Kalinga University

Email Id : dilendra.chandraker@kalingauniversity.ac.in

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