Corporate Jargons

Home Corporate Jargons


Corporate jargons or management speak are usually used in workplaces. These jargons are inserted in places when one tries to impress an audience normally in the corporate events, meetings or in advertisements. Apart from this there is a plethora of corporate acronyms which are used for a short form of communication.

Here are a few corporate workplace jargon and acronyms examples:


Moving forward: Is getting things done or accomplish something because of progress made.

FaceTime: Time spent with an individual or customer on a video call or at a formal meeting on hangouts, Duo or Skype, Rather than online chat or a telephonic conversation.

Hard Copy: Is a physical print out or a printed version on paper also copy means something touchable, physical as opposed to A soft copy means a data or information which can be stored on any kind of digital means.

Circle back: Means talk to you or about the said topic of discussion later. Sometimes there is an unnecessary discussion that has far or no relation to the said topic in such situations we say; I’ll circle back to you.

Ball Park Figure: Approximate or tentative numbers given during an estimate. Usually used by accountants or salesmen. It also could be an average figure that seems to be concluded.

What were the key learning’s here: What have we derived from the discussion is what is meant in the phrase.

The idea won’t scale: The idea is too vague, obscure, adventurous or far-fetched and that makes it unsalable i.e. which cannot help us climb higher.

Leverage: Step up in our efforts, ideas, production or profits.

Kudos: Congratulations

Think outside the box: This term means to not limit your thinking; it encourages creativity with regards to your job description

Drink our own champagne: A term meaning that a business will use the same product that they sell to their customers. The champagne is an indicator of a good product.

Pushing the envelope: Basically means is to go outside of what is seen as normal corporate boundaries in order to attain a goal or secure a target.

Fail, Fast, Forward: This is a concept that embraces learning from mistakes and moving forward; without making the same mistakes over and over again.

Deadline: The latest time or date by which something should be completed.

Heavy lifting: This refers to the most difficult aspects of a project, as in, “Ajay is doing all the heavy lifting for us!”

No call, no show: An individual who neither shows up for the day nor calls in with a reason.

Cubicle farm: A section of the office that contains worker’s cubicles.

Win-win situation: A solution where all parties are satisfied with the results.

Talent Acquisition: Talent acquisition is the process of finding and acquiring skilled people for organizational needs and to meet work & operational requirements.

Desk job: Term for a job that is typically confined to duties from a desk, rather than one that requires standing or moving around.

Kept in the loop: This is a common phrase used to mean a person who is informed about what’s going on with a project or plan.

Pick the low hanging fruit: Choose the simplest option or avenue to accomplish a task.


BID: Break it down

EOD: End of day

EOM: End of message

EOT: End of thread

ETA: Estimated time of arrival

KISS: Keep it simple stupid

MTD: Month to date

OOO: Out of office

PA: Performance appraisal

POC: Point of contact

PTE: Part-time employee

NSFW: Not safe for work

SMART: Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-bound

YTD: Year to date

LIFO: Last in, first out

LWOP: Leave without pay

ROI: Return on investment

P&L: Profit and loss

AIDA: Attention, interest, desire, action

B2B: Business to business

B2C: Business to consumer

CRM: Customer relationship management

DM: Direct message or direct mail

ESP: Email service provider

GA: Google Analytics

KPI: Key performance indicator

SEO: Search engine optimization

SM: Social media

SMB: Small to medium business

SWOT: Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats


  • Examples of Jargon in the Workplace


  • Your Ultimate Cheat Sheet to Deciphering the 123 Most Common Business Acronyms

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