Home Blog Human Being and Green Concrete in 21st Century Construction

 Human Being and Green Concrete in 21st Century Construction

Mr. Piyush Das 

Assistant Professor, 

Department of Civil Engineering, 

Kalinga University Naya Raipur C.G. 

Keywords-Green Concrete, Sustainability, Conservation, Emissions, Recycled. Greenhouse gases are growing daily and have an influence on the climate. Humans are the main spokesperson for this issue. Green concrete for use in building sometimes referred to as environmentally friendly concrete or sustainable concrete is a variety of concrete made using eco-friendly components and procedures. It attempts to increase the sustainability of construction projects and lessen the negative effects of concrete manufacturing on the environment. Using green concrete in low-cost home building can offer a number of advantages that directly or indirectly assist both the environment and people, such as: Reduced carbon footprint: The substantial energy consumption and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from cement manufacturing make traditional concrete production a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions. Green concrete uses additional cementitious elements that can partially substitute cement and lower the total carbon footprint of the concrete, such as fly ash, slag, or rice husk ash. This decrease in CO2 emissions lessens the effects of climate change. Green concrete encourages the use of recycled materials as aggregates, such as crushed concrete or recycled glass, hence lowering the need for new aggregates and promoting the conservation of natural resources. Green concrete uses recycled materials to reduce the need for extraction, which can have a negative impact on ecosystems, and save natural resources. Energy efficiency: Low-rise house development can use green concrete to increase energy efficiency. Concrete’s resilience and insulating qualities are improved by the introduction of high-performance ingredients like fly ash or silica fume. This leads to cheaper energy costs and a more sustainable living environment by reducing the amount of energy needed for heating and cooling. Reducing waste: Green concrete promotes the use of waste products from industry and other sources as supplemental cementitious materials or aggregates. By keeping these items out of landfills, this lowers trash production and fosters a circular economy. Fly ash, slag, and silica fume are a few examples of waste products that are frequently utilized in green concrete. Better indoor air quality: Harmful elements like formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can be found in traditional concrete. Low-toxicity components are used in green concrete, and the use of additives that might release dangerous gases is minimized. This results in better indoor air quality in low-density house development, giving residents healthier living environments. 


Conserving water: Green concrete frequently uses cutting-edge mix designs that use less water than traditional concrete. This lessens the burden building places on water resources and lessens the environmental effect of water extraction and wastewater treatment. Long-term resilience: Green concrete can demonstrate enhanced resilience to corrosion and durability, extending the life of low-rise housing constructions. This lessens the need for regular maintenance and repairs, which saves money over the long run and conserves resources. Overall, employing green concrete in low-rise housing construction has a number of advantages for the environment, such as decreased carbon emissions, resource conservation, waste reduction, increased energy efficiency, and improved indoor air quality. It supports more environmentally responsible and sustainable building methods, advancing the objectives of sustainable development and tackling the problems posed by climate change. Advantages to people living in Green Concrete Construction People who live in homes made with green concrete can benefit from a number of features that improve their quality of life and general well-being. Here are some benefits for residents of green concrete buildings: Green concrete frequently uses low-toxic materials and uses less hazardous chemicals, improving indoor air quality and creating a healthier living environment. As a result, there may be less volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other contaminants present, which lowers the risk of allergies, respiratory difficulties, and other health issues. Living in green concrete buildings allows residents to breathe cleaner, healthier interior air, which improves general health. Improved mix designs and high-performance components can provide green concrete improved insulating qualities. By doing so, it becomes less necessary to use excessive heating or cooling throughout the year to maintain a pleasant indoor temperature. As a consequence, residents enjoy improved thermal comfort and stable, comfortable living environments. Compared to conventional concrete, green concrete constructions frequently have greater sound-insulating characteristics. A quieter living environment may be achieved by using denser materials and better construction methods, which can lessen the intrusion of outside noise. Residents who live in cities or close to busy highways will especially benefit from this since it reduces noise disruptions and fosters a more pleasant living environment. This might involve integrating HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) equipment, lighting systems, and appliances. Residents may benefit from cheaper utility costs, a smaller Article by Piyush Das Page 3 environmental effect, and a cosy, energy-efficient house by reducing their energy consumption. Due to the use of additional cementitious ingredients and sophisticated mix designs, green concrete buildings frequently display increased longevity and resistance to corrosion. Reduced maintenance requirements and more frequent repairs are the results of this. Residents may benefit from a clean, safe, and structurally sound living environment, thereby saving time and money. Living in a green concrete structure is consistent with sustainability concepts and an ecofriendly lifestyle. Residents may be proud that the resources used to build their homes were manufactured utilizing waste-reduction techniques, recycled materials, and low carbon emission methods. This encourages sustainable living and helps create a healthy environment. Many sustainable design aspects, including lots of natural light, greenery, and ornamental elements that help occupants feel more connected to nature, are included into green concrete structures. These components have been demonstrated to increase general quality of life, lower stress levels, and promote psychological well-being. Living in a green concrete building might provide for a more relaxing and enjoyable atmosphere. In conclusion, people who live in homes made of green concrete may benefit from things like better indoor air quality, thermal comfort, less noise, energy efficiency, durability, and a sustainable and environmentally responsible lifestyle. These advantages improve the citizens’ general quality of life, health, and well-being. References: 1. ASHRAE Energy Standard 90.1-2010 for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential 2. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2013. 3. Energy-Efficiency Standards and Green Building Certification Systems Used by the Department of Defense for Military Construction and Major Renovations. 4. Das, M. P. (2022). A REVOLUTIONARY APPROACH OF MODEL NGGB IN RURAL AREAS OF CHHATTISGARH. Harbin Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 54(6), 378-383. 5. Das, M. P. (2022). Towards Sustainable Development: A Review of Green Technologies. Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 44(5), 110-113. 6. Indian Concrete Code.

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