discussion on pathophysiology and symptoms of diabetes mellitus
of insulin plays a major role in all forms of diabetes mellitus. In diabetes, insulin
is one of the primary hormone that controls the uptake of glucose from the
blood into cells. Except for smooth muscle, where insulin functions through the
insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) in most body cells, including the liver,
adipose tissue, and muscle (1). The breakdown of glycogen i.e., glycogenolysis,
the liver’s storage form of glucose, intestinal absorption of meals, and
gluconeogenesis, the body’s process for producing glucose from non-carbohydrate
substrates, are the three main sources of glucose for the body. As insulin
plays an important role in maintaining blood glucose levels in the body.
Insulin which is released into the blood by beta cells of the pancreas, present
in the islets of Langerhans inhibit the breakdown of glycogen or prevent the
process of gluconeogenesis, it can be stimulated by the transport of glucose
into fat and muscle cells, and it can stimulate the storage of glucose in the
form of glycogen (2). Insulin is released in reaction to increased blood
glucose levels, usually after eating. About two-thirds of the body’s cells
utilise it to take glucose from the blood and use it as fuel or energy,
transform it into other molecules they require, or store it. Lower glucose
levels cause the beta cells to release less insulin and cause the breakdown of
glycogen into glucose.
other hormone glucagon released from alpha cells of pancreas, which functions
differently from insulin and is primarily responsible for controlling this
process (3). The body’s cells that need glucose cannot adequately absorb it,
and it cannot be properly stored in the liver and muscles if there is not
enough insulin available, cells do not respond well to insulin’s effects
(insulin resistance), or the insulin itself is flawed. Overall, this leads to
high blood glucose levels that don’t go down, inadequate protein synthesis, and
other metabolic abnormalities such metabolic acidosis in cases of severe
insulin shortage (4). When the blood glucose level is high for an extended
period of time, the kidneys approach a reabsorption threshold and the body
excretes glucose in the urine known as glycosuria. As a result, there is a rise
in the osmotic pressure of the urine, increased polyuria, and greater fluid
loss because the kidneys are unable to reabsorb water. Dehydration and
increased thirst are brought on by the body’s osmotic replacement of lost blood
volume with water from the body’s cells and other compartments. Additionally,
low intracellular glucose increases hunger, which causes overeating
weight loss, polyuria i.e., increased urine, polydipsia i.e., increasing
thirst, and polyphagia that is increasing of appetite are the typical signs of
untreated diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, symptoms may appear suddenly within
weeks or months, whereas they do so much more gradually in type 2 diabetes and
may even not appear at all. Although they are not specific to the disease, a
number of additional signs and symptoms can indicate the beginning of diabetes.
They also include itching skin, impaired vision, headaches, and weariness in
addition to the previously mentioned symptoms. Long-term high blood sugar
levels can result in glucose absorption in the eye’s lens, which alters the
curvature of the lens and alters vision. Diabetic retinopathy can potentially
result in long-term vision loss (6).
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U, Alexander M. Biochemical Studies of the Ameliorating Effects of Bitter Leaf
and Scent Leaf Extracts on Diabetes Mellitus in Humans. IJCCP. 2018;4(1):29-46.
2. Yadav
3. Barrett
KE. Ganong’s review of medical physiology. 2019.
4. Murray
RK, Granner DK, Rodwell VW. Harper’s illustrated biochemistry2010.
5. Mogotlane
S, Shauke M, Matlakala M, Mokoena J, Young A. Juta’s Complete Textbook of
Medical Surgical Nursing.(1stedn). Juta, Cape Town. 2013.
6. Rockefeller
J. Diabetes: symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention: JD Rockefeller; 2015.
Jayshri Swarnkar
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Pharmacy
Kalinga University
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