Home Blog The Rise of E-commerce

The Rise of E-commerce

Mr. Sarat Chandra Mohanty, Assistant Professor

Kalinga University, Raipur


E-commerce has established itself as a revolutionary force in the age of digital media, altering the retail environment and revolutionizing the means by which individuals shop and organisations function. This article explores the astonishing explosion in e-commerce, including its growth, impact on traditional retail, changing customer behavior, as well as electronic commerce’s potential future. As e-commerce grows, it is fundamentally transforming the retail sector by offering consumers with convenience and choice while presenting enterprises worldwide new development potential. The development of e-commerce is a continuing upheaval that has the potential to change the way we shop, do business, and interact in the digital age. E-commerce makes buying easier by letting users to browse, compare, and buy things within the convenience of their individual homes or while on the road. Organizations can interact with clients all over the planet via online channels, breaking down geographical barriers and growing the number of their clients. Online retailers offer thorough product descriptions, customer reviews, and ratings, allowing customers to make educated decisions about their purchases.


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