Home Blog Unraveling the application of Multiferroics- A perspective

Unraveling the application of Multiferroics- A perspective

Ms. Sadhwi Suman Dash
Asst.Prof. Department of Physics
Kalinga University Raipur
Multiferroics is a domain of smart materials that involves the cross-coupling of two or more ferroic orders – ferroelectric, ferromagnetic, ferro-elastic, anti-ferro/ferrimagnetic materials in the same phase.
The present fast-forward generation demands cost-effective, low power loss, storage-efficient potential devices. This led the materials science research community to develop multifunctional materials. In the domain of multifunctional materials, these multiferroics have made their identity the most potential candidate.
The basic driving factor for the investigation of multiferroics lies in the electrical control of the magnetic field and the magnetic control of the electric fields. The magnetoelectric coupling coefficient value defines this cross-linking between the electric field and the magnetic field.
In the arena of multiferroics, Magnetoelectric (ME) composites have created a profound impact on the material science research field and also revolutionized the electronics industries to a great extent.
A few remarkable applications of the ME composites are mentioned below for an overall conceptualization:-
Memory storage devices:- Magnetoelectric RAM or MeRAM can store data by switching the magnetization direction with an electric field instead of magnetic field that lowers the energy consumption thereby improving the data storage density. As compared to traditional magnetic memory, it has efficient speed due to the switching effects between the electric and magnetic states.
Spintronics:- The field of spintronics harness the spin property of electrons alongwith their charge to fabricate potential multifunctional devices. Multiferroics materials can be used in the spintronic devices to facilitate greater data reading / writing efficiency.
Energy harvestors:- Multiferroics have wide applications in the domain of energy harvesters/converters. The materials can be used to harness solar energy to lectrical energy and meet global electricity demands.
Neuromorphic Computing :- Neuromorphic computing seeks to replicate the way the human brain processes information by using materials and devices that mimic synaptic behavior. Multiferroic materials can be used in artificial synapses where electric fields control magnetic states, enabling energy-efficient and fast learning functions.
Medical Imaging and Therapeutics:- Multiferroic materials could enhance magnetic field sensors used in MRI machines or be used to create more responsive actuators for therapeutic devices, where electric fields could adjust magnetic fields for precise targeting.
In summary, magnetoelectric multiferroics have broad applicability across various fields due to their unique ability to couple electric and magnetic states, enabling advancements in energy efficiency, miniaturization, and multifunctionality in device technology.

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