Sustainable Development

Raj Ashish

Assistant Professor - Mining Engineering Department

It was the order of development that brought humans from forests to settlements. Even today, the speed is gaining momentum. A development that satisfies the needs of the present generation as well as does not compromise for the coming generation is called sustainable or sustainable development. Today’s essay is given on Sustainable Development. The 70th meeting of the General Assembly of the Yueno in the year 2015 on sustainable development as planned set the goals and objectives of sustainable development for the next 15 years. It was named Agenda 2030. The event marked 17 goals and 169 targets as the Sustainable Development Goals, to be completed between the periods of 2015-2030. These 17 goals include complete eradication of poverty, education health, and environmental issues.

Today, in all the countries of the world, there is a competition to overtake each other in sustainable development. And for this, every effort from industrialization to exploitation of natural resources is being made. In this race of sustainable development, we have forgotten that at what value we want to achieve it, there are no two opinions that we are collectively dependent on nature for development, as we get oil and coal required for this only by nature. All our natural resources range from limited quantities on earth to coal and water. And all these natural resources are in very limited quantities. The faster the world’s population is increasing. It is being estimated in that. That by the year 2030 it will increase to over 6 billion. And the way natural resources are being used will result in natural resources not being available from Earth for future human generations.

Economists, environmentalists, and scientists have solved this problem so that we take care of this while using the natural resources available for our development, and these resources should be avoided for generations to come. The concept of Sustainable Development developed only after the rescue of resources for future generations. Sustainable development is a process in which this is taken care of while using available resources to meet the current requirements.

That the needs of future generations should not be cut; this is why sustainable development continues to conform to its literal meaning. Along with social and economic development in sustainable development, care is taken that the environment is also safe.

The need for sustainable development becomes clear with the following points:

  • Industrialization has led to an increase in temperature globally. As a result, the world’s climate has changed adversely. Also, due to the rising sea levels, many countries and cities are expected to get submerged in the sea in the coming years.
  • Water pollution, air pollution, land pollution, noise pollution are also constantly increasing, if it is not controlled, the results will be very fierce.

According to the May 2008 report of Environmental Data Services, the security of people and nations is dependent on food, energy, water, and climate on these four pillars. The four are closely related to each other and all of them are on the verge of crossing the danger threshold.

  • Harnessing the resources of the human world so intensely for its economic and social development, that the ability to nurture the life of the Earth is rapidly diminishing.
  • The world population is estimated to exceed 8.3 billion by 2030, due to which the demand for food and energy will be 50 percent higher and the demand for clean water will be 30 percent higher at that time. The consequences of the crisis created as a result of this increased demand for food, energy, and water can be severe.

Since the industrial revolution in the world, the exploitation of natural resources had started, which exceeded its peak in the nineteenth and twentieth century’s, As a result, the world’s climate was adversely affected and the level of pollution has increased so much that it has become a factor of many fatal diseases.

So in the twentieth century, the United Nations and other global organizations started emphasizing the protection of the environment. Then there was the Vienna Conference in the year 1985 for the preservation of the ozone layer and its policies were implemented by most countries of the world in the year 1988.

The Vienna Agreement resulted in a Montreal agreement on the substance piercing the ozone layer in the year 1987.

After this, agreements and conferences were held in many other cities of the world. In 1997, Japan’s Kyoto Protocol decided that developed countries would reduce emissions of greenhouse gases here to save the world from rising Earth temperatures. The Copenhagen Conference, held in December 2009, also aimed at environmental protection.

Ministry of Environment and Forests plays the role of central agency of the Government of India for international cooperation and multilateral environmental curricula for sustainable development in India

It has played its active role and participation in many conferences and agreements held around the world ranging from climate change and economic layer protection to sustainable development.

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